Using Android SDK ant rules in ANT scripts

I apologize for not posting in awhile as I am putting together some training stuff and want to test everything before publishing some android tutorial articles. However, I can briefly cover some items.
There is a way to use the ANT task called ANT to call targets in the ant_rules set of files which than means you can insert tasks from your main build file into the ant task execution sequence such as running code documentation task, code obfuscation, etc that is IDE agnostic. At this point I still have the exact sequence to support Android Library Projects worked out, it should work but its not fully tested yet.
This is means that you can use a combination of either ANT and Groovy Gant or ANT and Groovy Gradle to simplify the build to the point where you can do some basic automation of testing.
You should be able  to drive NDK native C builds from ANT side at least at this point you have to do some ANT script code. Any multi-apk export(NDK during ABI split we would use this) has be done via ant scripting as the replacement for setup task to accomplish that is not scheduled to make an appearance until Android SDK 3.0/android dev tools 7.
Hopefully, I will be doing some android dev teaching shortly.

Source: MobileBytes
