Oracle lawsuit is making Android developers unhappy

The recent suit brought against Google by enterprise database management behemoth that is Oracle is causing some unrest among members of the Android development community. Oracle is claiming that the Android OS is infringing on the intellectual property of their Java Platform and has violated Java patent and copyright protection.
Silicon Valley Android Developers group organizer David Cao called the group “very, very unhappy”, but remains optimistic that Android will prevail in-spite of these allegations. Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu Linux distributor Canonical, also chimed in by saying that “Oracle has significantly undermined its relationship with the open source and developer community.”
On a positive note, Android developers do not appear to be shying away because of the suit, and in fact appear resolved to continue supporting Google. However, the suit poses a concern to manufacturers, who are less inclined to want to get caught between Google and Oracle and could potentially halt the adoption of Android by new companies.
This is causing many to predict that Google will settle with Oracle to reassure their partners that continuing to work with the Android platform will cause no risk them. Stay tuned for the latest news about the suit, and the resulting implications which will likely be felt on both sides of the table.
